My name is Natasha Page
Founder of My Little Therapy Box
I am a BACP Accredited counsellor and Psychotherapist with an innate
passion for working in the field of mental health.
I originally trained as a social worker before embarking on my journey to come a psychotherapist. I have also held roles in the training and development field as a training consultant for a local authority and lecturing in universities.
Another thing I am proud to be a part of is being a BACP media spokesperson promoting the benefits of counselling and contributing to media publications.
The My Little Therapy Box brand is here to support the work that therapists do by providing resources, tools, and training to aid our growth and development as therapists.
I know from my own experience of being a therapist how important it is to keep a breadth of all the different issues our clients may bring to the therapy room. The My Little Therapy Box online training courses are all centred-on themes from the My Little Therapy Box resource.
I developed My Little Therapy Box mood cards based on my many years of experience working with clients. They are designed to help people who may be struggling with feeling unhappy or unfulfilled and want to gain more clarity about why they are feeling like this. They can be used as an aid to therapy sessions or outside of therapy sessions.

More About Me and My Story
My journey to become a Counsellor/Psychotherapist started when I was in my early 20’s. I, like many of the clients I now work with went through a period of low mood/depression to the point where one day I didn’t even want to face going into work.
I knew something had to change!!
It was my dad who suggested to me that counselling may be helpful for me. I was lucky enough to work for an employer at the time that provided ten free sessions of counselling to their staff each year. I didn’t have a clue what counselling was to be honest or how it could help me but in my despair thought anything was worth a try. It was through my own life changing experience of attending these sessions that I started to understand the value of therapy and how it supported me and other people that engaged in counselling.
There is something so special and unique about the relationship you build with your therapist.
The fact that they are unconnected to your day to day life, the time you are given to talk freely about yourself without the fear of being judged and the safety of the counselling room and the fact you can off load your emotions and leave it in there, for me are the most powerful aspects of counselling and psychotherapy.
I literally feel like having therapy did change my life...
as I not only benefited from the sessions but it sparked an interest in me to want to help others like I had been helped and this was the start of my journey to become a therapist.